
IBM engineering Lifecycle Management

What is IBM engineering Lifecycle Management?

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is a software tool that helps organizations manage the complete product development lifecycle from requirements gathering and management, to design, implementation, testing, and delivery. ELM integrates with a variety of other software tools to provide…

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software developers

How to hire the best embedded software developers?

There has been a massive demand for embedded software engineers recently as the software market is rising so fast. It is due to the high demand for electro-mobility solutions for electric vehicles and other wearable devices. Embedded systems design has…

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Interviewing at Google

You’ve probably heard stories about tough brainteaser questions asked by interviewers at Google. The now famous “shrunk to the size of a nickel and placed in a blender” question was featured in the film The Internship, a comedy in which Vince…

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Understanding the dual ladder

Climbing the corporate ladder has traditionally meant going into management. Managers have more responsibility and earn higher salaries than their subordinates. That’s where you had to be if you wanted to earn the big bucks!

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Dynamic Programming Tutorial

I’ll give you a topic: Dynamic programming is neither dynamic nor programming. Discuss! Actually, dynamic programming refers to a class of algorithms (on par with divide and conquer and greedy algorithms). A popular interview trick is to throw a problem at a candidate that…

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